DMT - Domestic Monitoring Tool

date:2024-05-12   Crash Bandicoot 59

DMT - Domestic Monitoring Tool

Offline app for Synbiotix Internal Monitoring Tool

The Synbiotix Internal Monitoring Cleaning Audit Module is the fastest, most comprehensive, flexible, intuitive and user-friendly cleaning audit system available.

Our fully web-based solution, with screens designed specifically for tablets, enables quick and simple data capture and optimizes the process of monitoring paDragon VS Tiger Slots cleanliness and compliance within a healthcare environment.

Using a simple organizational structure that reflects your information requirements, combined with risk-based audit frequencies, we fully schedule your cleaning workload to ensure the load is evenly distributed throughout the year, whilst also ensuring that no room is lost.

Using a standardized cleaning monitoring system helps maintain a safe and clean environment, as well as enabling comparison of performance and compliance across the property and providing evidence of compliance with internal standards.

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