
date:2024-05-17   Crash Bandicoot 21

arachnowopunk - addicting arcade platformer for android devices. In the styProsperity Fortune Treele of the best retro games In arachnowopunk, you have to take control of a brave multi-legged hero who ended up in a dangerous place. Now, in order to find a way out to freedom, the hero has to overcome many difficult levels filled with obstacles, dangers, sharp thos, traps and even enemies. You will find old-school pixel graphics, made in all the canons of retro games of the 90s, simple one-touch controls and rich levels. Many dangers As you progress through the game, the hero will be able to find a variety of shoes for his many paws, each type shoes will give the character new, unique skills and abilities that will help him overcome the most sophisticated dangers. arachnowopunk boasts a high level of difficulty of challenges, which not everyone can overcome, it is important to use attentiveness, ingenuity and ingenuity so that the hero can escape from this dangerous place.CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 16.97 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
