Skylar - Legenda.Live

date:2024-05-18   Crash Bandicoot 58

Skylar - Legenda.Live

Application for translating and interpreting events and lectures.

Legenda.Live is an application developed by that allows you to follow in-person lectures via subtitling. The app is completely free for event participants. For the talk to be available on the app, the event must have previously hired Skylar.

To access the subtitled lecture, it's simple: select the lecture you want to follow through our dashboard and enter the code that will be provided to you at the beginning of the event. Ready! You will now be able to follow the lecture in the languages ​​defined by the event.

With our app you can read the content being spoken by the speakers in real time or even listen to the content in your language by activating the button located at the bottom of the event screen. You can even go back to a certain part of the lecture by choosing the part you want.

Skylar facilitates interaction in lectures through the app, providing automatic simultaneous interpretation in Portuguese, English and Spanish. If you want to know more about our products for both live events, streaming or recorded video subtitles, visit our website:

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