Dream Restaurant Hotel games [Free Shopping]

date:2024-06-25   Crash Bandicoot 3

Dream Restaurant - Hotel games - dynamic arcade simulator for Android devices. Over 1000 unique levels In this arcade simulator game, you can try out your forces to manage the hotel and restaurant with him, and then build his own unique business empire. This game combines elements of a culinary simulator and an economic game. Here you have to lea how to competently manage time and accurately prioritize tasks in order to satisfy all the requirements of your customers. The ability to open a chain of your own hotels Over time, you can open a whole chain of hotels and build your own culinary empire, and for this you have to overcome more than 1000 unique levels with gradually increasing difficulty, more than 1rummy gili00 interesting recipes and expand the menu, increase the hotel's bandwidth and serve more customers at a time. You can also unlock new dishes and equip territories, use boosters and boosters in order to have time to cope with all tasks and have fun in the world of the game.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 63.15 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newИсправлены ошибки.Update history-----

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